Much simpler than a full DIY costume, and yet a mask is just as effective at turning any mild mannered child into an amazing superhero!
We’re featuring 3 great blogs with easy instructions for DIY masks. The post over at Red Ted Art is perfect for a superhero party so the kids can make their own masks. The process is very boy-friendly with no coloring in – lots of shapes and colors ready to go so they can get straight into the action, with some adult help of course.
See the full post at Red Ted Art
The next article is a favorite – these masks are better than you’d buy in the store. SlowMama has a fantastic set of directions for making felt masks with some very handy tips so they turn out just right. A sewing machine is required to sew the 2 layers of felt but the extra effort is worth it – how good does this look!
The last one is perfect if the kids are already driving you crazy from cabin fever and you need something quickly – like right now! Just choose a mask to print on card stock (or on paper and glue to card), cut out, color and tie on some elastic… sanity returned.
View and download patterns at First Palette
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